Man’s Place in Nature
At this moment in time Man has become “top dog” in his
relationship with the earth and the earth’s visible creatures. In doing so, we have appropriated for
ourselves a very large part of the Earth’s surface and harvested most of its
stored energy reserves. Our numbers have
increased to the point where it seems every new human pound of flesh removes a
pound of flesh from the remaining other creatures. Our dominance increases exponentially,
so that within a few more generations we shall be able to link arms, stand
together and sing “We are the World”.
Our motivation for this collective effort has been and
remains our mortal need for a full belly, a warm bed, and a grand view of the
mountains and sea from our windows. With
this as our flag and our motto we have almost conquered the world.
Yet from our mountain top view we can look down and back and
see the results of our effort. We see
untold numbers of our own kind who have been ground under in our march to the
top. That seems to be because, in the
chaos of our march, their motivations came into conflict with ours. Or perhaps more cogently, "they got in our
way". More logically, their motivations
and resources were weaker than ours.
In the gaps opened by these rents in our human fabric we can
see a trampled planet, the holes of mining with their seeping poisons, and the
gullies and swamps of erosion. We cannot
see, but do feel the stinging release of radioactivity from rocks that were
formerly buried and diffused, now concentrated and scattered over the surface
of the planet. Even the sky we notice is
now fogged with the exhale of our march to dominance. Our full belly turns sour with the acid of
our situation.
McCarrison had two groups of rats. The rats fed the Hunza diet had small healthy
litters and formed loving families, the rats fed the Hindu diet had large
litters and soon, their cages filled up with snarling and combative rats who
ate their young. We humans are running
out of Hunza food. We are victors
without spoils and shocked that so many of us are demanding their fair share.
With a deep breath we take in the realization that many
individuals among the teeming masses of our own kind have declined in every
sense. The damage wrought by our
civilization encompasses our own health and level of being. Cancers, we know, come from the mining, the
burning and the chemists. Our very minds
are being distorted by radio waves, exciting pornography, good movies and bad
parenting. Meanwhile, television shows
us murders and wars that seem to be increasing in a frightening fashion. Too many have been wrongly parented, wrongly
educated, and wrongly fed. Video games
have trained many in killing, and world armies employ them as soldiers or
mercenaries. How does one coming from
that milieu evolve into Buddha?
All this has occurred because we have identified with our
bodies and separated ourselves from Nature.
If we had established a connection with our higher nature we would have
encountered a “Conscience” which would have prevented all this.
I could not write about this if I had not, in a small way,
begun to seek my own place in Nature. For
seven years I’ve approached this on 1.16 acres near a small city in Oklahoma. I’ve been paying $27 each year to the state
for a nursery license and so have named the 1.16 acres Plants Alive.
Here I’ve planted gardens, trees and shrubs, berries and
grapes. I’ve let half the land go without mowing for three years but not
entirely back to nature because I destroy undesirable growth like the thorny
non-native thorny pears. I’ve planted
pecan, pine, plum, and slippery elm on that half and have weeded out many
redbud trees. [Because the beautiful mother redbud wants the whole field for
her progeny. (Rather like us.)}
I’ve brought in hundreds of plant species. Two cultivars of amaranth scatter so many
seeds that they come up everywhere and can blanket the good spots in my
cultivated ground with their fecund sprouting.
In that capacity they join the lambsquarters which I eat and eventually
try to control with the machete.
Henbit, chickweed, bedstraw and tiny little maple trees in my tended
beds are just as greedy as the plants in the field. Medicinal perennials like tansy,
comfrey, stinging nettle, and American elder send our powerful underground
runners and they too want more than their share. Trying to grow vegetables amidst this and a
surrounding sea of Bermuda and Johnson grass is a hard battle with hands and
hoes and most modern gardeners get better yield than I do. Better yield for themselves that is; I get
better yield for Great Nature and grab some for myself.
The acre we bought with two green maples, a declining redbud
tree and “so so” grass is now a clammering verdure of more species than I can count. Thick
everywhere, and growing in one season to 8’ tall. There are more flowers on my acre than there
are on the surrounding 50 put together.
Here Nature feeds a lot of insects and the birds and amphibians which
eat them. Larger animals, moles,
possums, raccoons, and rats patrol and feed here at night. A huge rat snake helps to keep the vermin
away but has also enjoyed some of my fresh eggs. Some of the hens that laid those eggs were enjoyed
by a bobcat that visited after the snake.
Pests? I can live with the insect
problems except for the ones that jump on my dog and then on to me. I pick off the ticks with my fingernails and
put plaintain on my flea bites. There are few insect outbreaks in my garden; no
Japanese beetle or caterpillar disasters like my neighbors have had, because I
build my soil and work for nature as well as myself.
There is tremendous flux going on at Plants Alive. Great Nature is seeking a balance. She has been so hurt that she no longer cares about including Man in that balance. Many plants thrive and then flare out. Overall tree species seem to be the top
contender for space and energy, but in the three dimensional space of light,
many species are positioning themselves to survive in a thick forest. That’s to be expected in the Ozark
foothills. In the midst of this flux the
1.16 acres is full of remarkable beauty and tremendous solar receptivity. The flow of life energy in this one small
plot has quickened and it includes me.
Great Nature also works harder than I can. I am just one man, 70 years old I will not succeed in finding my proper
place in nature. I still have to use
fossil fuels just to remain here. Before
long I will be gone. Eventually most of
my plantings will die out, the greenhouse will rot and collapse, and the house
will be abandoned. Without city water,
nature does not favor man’s using Plants Alive as a place to dwell. My years of effort to find my place in nature
will have become like a seed sprouting and then quickly withering. But
something has come of my effort. There is
a response to the terror of the situation.
Great Nature has defined a pathway leading to our place in
the world. The first step is that we
must feed ourselves, literally. We
should work in groups, but the food we consume should be from where we live,
and in its season. This can be started
now before the collapse. It will be
harder to do it afterwards.
It must be done based on principles of respect toward
nature. The use of plastics, petroleum
fuel, and manufactured products must end quickly. This action will provide an immediate healing
and regeneration of the Earth wherever and to the extent that it is
practiced. Growing our own food will now
require that human beings care for the earth in an intimate way. Composting, planting and erosion control will
replace industrial agriculture.
We are going to have to ponder how we can relate to the one
and two brained creatures who share our space.
Foxes will eat our chickens. Snakes
will lurk. Grasshoppers will want our
corn. We will wish to train our dogs,
horses and oxen so that our burden is lessened, but we will have to treat them
as brothers. They, too will have to be
well fed and their manure along with ours must be treated consciously so that
the life or the soil is also supported.
The changeover begins with many levels of self denial. For now all our tools are from the
unacceptable former way of life. Without
purchasing new, we must use what we have and then find and reuse what the former
world has discarded. Plastic tools are
the worst, offering only a brief period of use, but a lifetime of toxic
pollution. We will find it hard to do
away with plastics because without them we there are no hoses or irrigation
pipe. Soon all greenhouses will have to
be made from used window glass.
That’s as nothing compared to the loss of fuel. It turned out that the planet Earth needed
her petroleum. She still has half of it
left and most of that she will keep because our “industrial know how” hasn’t
found an acceptable way beyond sucking from shallow underground pools through
steel straws. The hideous fracking and
tar sand mining both use more energy then they return and the “Dakota” people
are about to stop it in its tracks.
Our rural communities could form “Watershed Associations”. These organizations will be local communities
where all interior fences have been removed.
At first these associations may have to retain perimeter fencing as a
defense against the former world. The
size of the association will vary and change, but could be the distance a man
could walk in a day. Around here they
would need to be many hundreds or even thousands of acres. The removed fencing would be reused to
protect gardens, orchards, corrals and dwellings. This will allow a return to a proper form of
grazing. Many family members and friends
will be arriving from the cities. Some
of them must become herders, living with and managing livestock, perhaps
corralling them at night. The Earth will
be properly manured in harmony with Nature’s law of reciprocity. Properly bedded animals will yield a wealth
of compost which will allow an extra gear of productivity from Nature’s bounty. The rest of us can be healthfully occupied
building check dams, ponds, developing springs, gardening, harvesting firewood,
and replanting trees. There will also be
milking, cheese making, and animal slaughter. Did I forget cooking and cleaning? This is all lawful work, we do it to find our
Rightful place in Nature. From that
place we can begin to repay our debt to the Creator.
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